Therapeutic dentistry

Dental treatment at the dental center guarantees you a positive and long-lasting result. The most common dental disease is caries and its complications. Pulpitis, periodontitis, periostitis are pathologies that, if not properly treated, lead to tooth loss. Regular preventive examinations – 2 times a year – allow you to notice these pathologies at an early stage, simplify treatment and avoid tooth extraction.

Symptoms that require you to see a dentist:

  • acute throbbing pain in the tooth;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • bad breath;
  • bleeding and swelling of the gums;
  • tooth mobility;
  • the appearance of a defect on the surface of the tooth, pigmentation.

Dental treatment methods:

The most common way to restore damaged teeth is a filling. It is needed to fill cavities after caries treatment. Fillings differ, firstly, in their purpose (temporary and permanent fillings), and secondly, in the material of manufacture.

A modern alternative to conventional fillings are ceramic inlays. Ceramic inlays are made individually and are inserts into the tooth cavity.

Ceramics are closest in their properties (strength, color, light reflection, etc.) to tooth enamel. Therefore, the tab almost completely restores its strength. For severe tooth decay, it is recommended to install an inlay.