CHECK-UP “Comprehensive dental examination”

The program provides for a comprehensive examination of the condition of the teeth and oral cavity, as well as teeth cleaning and 3D x-rays of the upper and lower jaws. The cost of the program is 52,000 tenge.

The following services are provided as part of the Check-up “Comprehensive dental examination” program:

Examination of the patient (therapist).

Consultation with a specialist (orthodontist).

Initial consultation with a periodontist on diseases of the oral mucosa.

Examination of the patient (surgeon) classic.

Removing plaque, prof. Air flow teeth cleaning (1 jaw) for 2 jaws.

Two jaws without TMJ grip, 10x10cm (recorded on CD) classic.

Examination protocol.

Services not listed in the program or exceeding the amount provided for by the program are paid for separately by the patient.

A written conclusion on the results of the examination is issued upon receipt by the supervising physician of all research results. The date of issue of the conclusion and recommendation is discussed by the client manager in agreement with the patient.